seedy life
does anyone like those new optus ads? "sound's corny and seedy, yes indeedy, just give me that simple life". as if optus is helping make life easier. they keep opening and closing phone and internet accounts and then charging us for stuff, then on the phone theyre like "as a favour to you, we won't charge you for it this time." wow. thanks for that. i'll try not to charge you for my mistakes either.
hahaha. optus. gee whiz. now that's a new blog whinge. whinging about your telecom.
i saw holly, margie, veronica and james today. we sat at a playground and talked about crap. first time i've spoken about seeing people, i think. shows where my priorities lie lol. i'd read back and check, but i hate reading my blog entries, coz they're soo lame lol. and i disagree with most of what i've said.
are my entries becoming less and less focused or is it just me? i should hire an editor.
In response to your question Nath, yes, I certainly do like those ads. Come on, it's animals singing! They're so cute and friendly! Especially the lion. I'd love to give them all cuddles.
Lots of love,
lol. "heavens to betsy!" haha.
i think holly's on crack. she's all "let's hug the animals" and "teddy's the cutie wutiest widdle shnookum puddins. it's his birfdy wirfdy". lol.
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