Tuesday, April 18, 2006

bonk if you're horny

So i'll fill you in on my easter weekend. Maybe not everything, coz it was long and not that interesting to you, the reader, but still. The stuff I can remember off my head right now.

okay, so it was:
- me - who you all know and love.
- Laurence - originally a friend of a friend, but became a good friend coz he's funny and responsible and silly and immaturely mature (will tell me off for smoking, and then yell goodmorning at a clown).
- James R. - friend of Laurence's. intellectual, weird and freakingly funny at the same time (shared my tent, we're the biggest pigs ever)
- Shane - the driver, has cool red hair with cool freckles (he's so sick of me saying so) who's funny and sooky and smooth

(it won't flow very well, i'm gonna write in dot point and fix it later)
We got to Newington Armory at 10pm or thereabouts in Sydney on Thursday night. We're there one minute and we had a girl in pyjamas helping us out. She was a tent expert. And i mean expert. Which was handy, because one of the tents was evil and had erectile dysfunction (get it? it woulnd't stand up). My and James' tent was up in 15 minutes, Lau and Shane's was ready about 3 hours later. I don't remember what happened after that. I guess we went to bed.

I'm gonna do this later. Sucks, I know, you're in such suspense right now, but I can't remember anything right now. I'll come back later

Sunday, April 02, 2006

a shot in the dark

aka bang bang
aka a hump in the night

alright, the last alias wasnt relevant, but still.

we (me, some friends, and some strangers) went to zone 3 (aka dark zone or lazer wars) in boxhill for a midnight to dawn (12 to 7) lockin session with about 25 friends and strangers. so good. the highlight of the night was whenever sandy would get scared, scream and run. one time she meant to sneak up on one of the guys, and he came around the corner and she scream, turned and ran into a bench and flew into the wall. cute, sad and funny. and another time she was standing against wire fencing built into the wall, and she turned around and there was a statue of a skeleton or alien or something right behind her, and she screamed so loud we ciould hear it over the music and synthesised gunshot sounds and ran. I laughed so hard i got shot about 5 times (including 12 seconds in between each shot when it has no effect).

it was so much fun. the only annoying thing was this one girl who would stand in doorways, which was against the rules because u cant physically touch people, so she was forcing u to push her to get around her, and because its just not part of the game. if we were using real bullets, then sure, go for it, but it's all virtual, so go away stupid girl. it was mostly annoying because people explained it to her and she would only respond with an "i dont care". (listen to me bitch)

our team had only 5 members (plus one who came from the other team coz her girlfriend was on out team) so we always had less kills than the other teams, who were 9 and 10 member teams, but it was still good. except that our team kept shooting each other, and in some of the games that meant we lost points haha. and most of us had glasses, so when we got shot in the face, it'd reflect onto our packs and register a shot, where the other people were simply blinded.

post ur interest to attend the next one in my comments! (they let u out for smoke breaks, and they have a pizza store inside incase ur worried about lack of food or nicotine during the 7 hours)